Have you ever thought of having a hybrid car, because gas prices has increased over time? The reason you may not have purchased one yet, because of your finances or skeptical about certain issues. You may want to reconsider your doubts, because hybrid cars are the best cars to have. They do not make any noise and they help the environment by not polluting the air. If you are on a budget or thinking about going on a budget than you could save a lot of money by not purchasing gas. If the next question you have is which type of cars are inexpensive and great to invest in than look no further. We are here to help you find the best cars to better suit you.
1.Chevrolet Volt- Its a fun car to drive it is very comfy and spacious.
EPA:53 city/ 45hwy(MPGe)
2. Audi A3 Sport back e -tron- its a nice luxury with a hatchback, which it would be great to travel with the family or friends.
MSRP- 39,850
EPA- 86 city/ 86 hwy(MPGe)
3.Honda CR-Z- Its a nice sports car that gives a little speed.
MSRP- $21,130-25,925
EPA- 31 city/ 38 hwy
4. Lexus CT- A great family car to have when you need to go on vacation. The car is very spacious and has room to place all your bags.
MSRP- 32,225
EPA- 43 city/ 40 hwy
These cars are very inexpensive and great to have. You should consider purchasing one because you will save a lot of money on gas. This make take some time to think about or even checking your finance. Always keep in mind before you purchase that you save money. We love for you to go green in 2017.
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