Remember to always drive safely. It is very important to make sure you stay safe on the road. Be mindful that there are always police officers on the road make sure the drivers are driving at a safe speed. Here are some tips on what you should do while on the road.
1. Stay Alert- If you ever feel tired on the road pull over and stretch, drink or eat something if needed and breath. If you have a passenger in the car with you that you trust to drive then let them dry for a few hours.
2.Share the road- make sure you stay on your side of the road. Be mindful that you have drivers on the road as well not just you. Please make sure you do not text and drive. Always be visual of your surroundings.
3. Avoid Risky Behavior- If you feel as though your friends distract you when you are driving then set down some ground rules before hitting the road. Let them know that you are the driver and they are not.
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