When you leave your home just to go to work or shopping. It is very important to follow these tips. Even if you get in the habit to start a few of them than this will help you tremendously. Some may not have any problems with burglary and some do, but the important part is to make sure your home is safe. Theses are some tips that will get you in the habit of securing your home.
Keep your mail
It is very important for you to keep your mail. If you are about to leave the house to run to the store and the mailman placed your mail in the mailbox it very important to get your mail as soon as possible. If you are going on vacation then you can place a hold at the post office. If you have trust in a neighbor than you could ask them to hold your mail for you until you come back. Your mail is very important for you to keep close at hand, because it has all your personal information. If someone were to steal that information than that will be a huge problem to fix.
Create an illusion as if someone is home
Make sure you have sound in the home. If you have some sort of sound in the home then the person will think that someone is home. If you are going on a family vacation try to use a car that is nor rarely used. When you use the same family car then the person will know that everyone's gone. You can also leave a few of your children's toys outside(the ones that are less valuable) then someone will think that you are at home. If you have a sprinkler system then you can turn a timer for the system and that will give an illusion that someone is home.
Never announce your leaving
It is important to never announce your going on vacation to a lot of people. Social media plays a huge role in this situation. When people get excited about going on vacation they tend to announce it on Facebook. People are viewing your site so it is important to be very careful when you are announcing news. It is okay to mention your trips but it is better to mention them when you get back. It may seem as if some people are not looking at your page, but they are and its important that you do not drop any clues.
If you are with a security company than the best way to keep your home safe is to advertise your security system. When you advertise your security system it lets people know that your well secured. If you feel as if that does not work take a different approach and install fake cameras or real cameras. This will let them know that they are on camera. A guard dog will be great to have, because they are always alert and they bark when someone enters the yard. Dogs are a mans best friend so if you invest in a dog then you can stay protected.
Hide Your Key
Now its very important to have a spare key at hand, because when you have a spare key you would not have to call and pay a locksmith to let you back in your home. There are some safety issues with having a spare key. The first part with having a spare key is finding a secret hiding place. A secret hiding place should only be known by you or someone that lives in the household. Make sure it is somewhere that is not revealing. Be very discrete, because someone may be watching you as you place your key in the hiding spot.
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