Traffic tickets and violations happen, they’re a part of life. You should always be safe behind the wheel of a vehicle to ensure the health of yourself and fellow drivers. If a ticket does come your way, however, take it seriously. Ignoring traffic tickets can come back to hurt you in the long run like some of the following situations:
- Suspension of driver’s license: If you rack up multiple driving violations, your license can be suspended. If you get it suspended the DMV could refuse to re-register your car and that will cause extra problems. Don’t let tickets and violations add up.
- Higher auto insurance rates: Driving safe isn’t just about your health and keeping other drivers safe – it’s about keeping your wallet healthy too. Traffic violations or accidents do nothing but raise your premium.
- Stunted professional career: Your driving record follows you everywhere you go, including when you try to enter the workforce or are looking for a new job. Potential employers can look at your driving record and traffic violations and deem you not fit to work in their organization or just not want to be associated with someone who is not responsible. Keep your record clean so employers can’t use it against you.
- Poor credit score: Not paying a traffic ticket is like not paying a bill. What happens when you ignore a bill? Your credit score skyrockets. Same thing with traffic violations.
- Inability to adopt a child: Expect an adoption agency to look through your driving record if you apply for adoption. If your record isn’t clean, this can either delay the process even longer or they can just simply deny your application altogether.
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