The symbolic meaning of Women’s Day
Today is the day that we celebrate all the women. This brings awareness to women’s accomplishments and obstacles. The first international women’s day took place in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. We want to recognize every woman that made a difference, are making a difference, or making changes. The beauty of the transitions that women have made to pave the way for other women is remarkable. They have been through the trials and tribulations in order for them to stand on the same platform as males. As the old saying goes “a woman’s job is never done” which is true, because women are very important in this world ,and so without the help of women things would not run smoothly. Women’s day continues to evolve into a silent march shedding light on the problems that arise between males and females. When women began to march it should not be about unequal pay or the discriminating factors between men and women. The march is about uplifting women and young girls to give a meaning to the significance of women’s day. Women’s Day is not only to admire women who are known to the world that made an impact. Women that are unknown as well whether its at work or at home.
The symbolic meaning to young girls
Women’s day should be discussed with young girls. Mothers should talk and sit down with their daughters to explain to them the actual meaning of Women’s day. Fathers can also explain as well, because it helps their daughters to know that they are being respected as young ladies. The conversation can also be about all the women who have paved the way to make a difference for women. The conversation does not have to be in depth, but you can explain the symbolic meaning of Women’s day and the importance of it . I would love for all the young girls to have a meaning to the background of women who paved the way. This would help them understand that they can be anything in life as long as they put their mind to it. We should strive everyday to empower young girls about self esteem, career goals, humbleness, integrity and working hard to be the best they can be. How would our young girls know that they can be the best if they are not getting that conversation at home? Today as we recognize the symbolic meaning of Women’s day lets not only recognize the women that paved the way for where we are now, but recognize the young girls who are working really hard to better themselves everyday through life.
Symbolic meaning to Women
Women should give themselves a hand clap for all they have been through and done to make their lives a success. You should understand that it is not easy being woman especially if you are working in a male dominant field. We appreciate everything you have done this far. The small goes are still huge achievements. The obstacles will continue to rise against you. If you continue to be strong just as you are now then nothing can stop you. Remember that “a woman’s job is never done” so you are important in every aspect. We should also as women empower other women. We should uplift and encourage each other to be the best we can be. This starts with building other women up the best way we can. I want to acknowledge all the women who are striving everyday to make their life better. Whether you are a single mother, married, or not a mother at all we appreciate everything you do.
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