1. Drop the fast food- when you drop the fast food and start eating foods that’s high fiber iron, and etc.Then you will not gain as much weight
2.Stay away from salt food- It is very important to stay away from salty foods because its unhealthy for you and you can get high blood pressure. If you want to eat something healthy with no salt then eat a rice cake. I know it may not have to much taste but it Is healthy for you.
3.Workouts- Continue to work out everyday. If you can exercise for just 30 minutes its better than not exercising at all. If you=u have certain health problems that will keep you from exercising then talk to your physician about other ways on getting fit.
4.Quit Smoking- If you are a smoker it is very important to quit smoking. Smoking can decrease your life span and can give you poor health. If you are trying to quit speak with a physician of some ways that will help you to stop.
5.Desserts- I know we all have a sweet tooth now and then but the sweet tooth can get you in big trouble. If you want a delicious snack then eat some fresh fruits or vegetable these will be sure to give you all the sweetening they need.
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