Since big rigs spend so much time on the road, it’s vital to keep them in good shape. Not to mention, maintaining a vehicle is often cheaper than waiting for a problem to arise and repairing the damages. Follow these tips to keep your rigs tucking for years to come.
- Apart from performing routine maintenance in line with the manufacturer’s recommendations, be sure to inspect timing belts for cracks and ensure that the right amount of tension is on the idlers.
- Always apply the gas and brakes gradually to preserve the brake pads and to prevent other transmission wear.
- Once each month — even in the fall and winter — run the air conditioner for a few minutes to prevent oil from settling in the compressor.
- Check the owner’s manual for the rig and change or top off the oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, power steering fluid and coolant at the recommended mileage.
- Rotate the tires every 7,500 miles and change the spark plugs every 60,000 miles.
- After transporting corrosive materials, wash out your truck to prevent deterioration of metal components.
Of course, even with an active maintenance schedule, accidents can still happen at any time. Talk to your independent insurance agent to learn how trucking insurance can protect you and your truck while on the road.
We’ve got you covered. Call Budget Insurance Agency at 478-788-9188 for more information on budget Macon trucking insurance.