Never let yourself be the underdog. Always continue to encourage yourself everyday no matter the circumstances or what people say. Continue to strive for more in life. Sometimes people listen to what other say and they let it control them. If your at a job and they tell you that you are not the best at the job,but no matter what they say you are great and well qualified for the job. We are our biggest critics when it comes to not believing in ourselves. Our mindset also plays a part in our success as well. Sometimes just thinking those positive thoughts to ourselves lifts our spirits. Always understand that even if you fail in life then you can always pick yourself up and try again. I challenge you to encourage yourself everyday.A man said,”My faith helps me understand that circumstances don’t dictate my happiness, my inner peace.”This person that stated this quote is Denzel Washington. He never let his circumstances be his downfall but he built himself up with the circumstances he had to face. Never let yourself be the under dog, but most importantly never let anyone make you feel like the underdog. Be the conqueror and always remember you can do anything that you put your mind too. We beleive that you can do more than you can ever dream of,because God is in control of your destiny.
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