We all have had many talks from our parents time after time especially about our driving. How does it feel when the roles switch and your parents get up in age to where you have to give them the talk? It may be hard for some, because they have to tell their parents that they cant or shouldn’t drive anymore. If you must know insurance policies began to increase when you turn 65 because insurance companies know that an elderly individual is known to get into a car accident. You do not necessarily have to take the keys right here are some steps that you can access to see if this can be the time to have a discussion.
1.Ask your parent(s) to take you on a drive it does not have to be long distance it can be around the corner or a mile a way to test their driving skills.
2.If you do not feel confortable with talking to your parent about their driving then get another close relative to help you with that situation.
3.Do not be aggressive with the conversation be gentle with them and remember that your time is coming as well.
4.If possible you can recommend driving them if you have the time. They would love if there children can take them anywhere they want to go.