Protecting Yourself on Your Motorcycle

When you ride your bike you assume a considerable level of risk to your personal safety. Motorcycles are wonderful for sporting, but they often pose a higher risk than an average car.

Motorcycles are on two wheels, making them less stable than a standard car or truck. They need much more precision to operate. Motorcycles also expose their riders to the elements much more than a car. There is no insulation between the rider and the road.

The Effects of Motorcycles on Insurance Rates

With these increased risks come increased insurance liabilities. Motorcycle insurance is different from the average auto insurance policy. Motorcycle insurance policies can cover many specialty risks specific to motorcycles.

Often, these policies come with special coverage levels designed specifically for motorcycles. Motorcycle policies usually have higher bodily injury coverage limits. A motorcycle rider has a very high risk for injury if a wreck occurs. Therefore, the higher limits can help protect the driver.

These policies may have higher levels of bodily injury coverage. But, drivers shouldn’t take excess risks that jeopardize their safety.

Safety Protections for Motorcycle Riders

Before you head out on your bike, put your own safety first. Follow these steps to reduce the risk of injuries in an accident:

  • Before departing, inspect the bike. Motorcycles often require a lot of maintenance. Keep all engine systems clean and serviced. Make sure wheels have appropriate tire pressure and that they are properly attached.
  • Know the conditions of the roads you will use. If weather is bad, or roads aren’t well maintained, use caution when driving. If the weather is inclement, it is always a good idea not to ride your bike that day.

Taking note of riding conditions and the bike’s reliability is only one part of bike safety. You also need to protect yourself.

Bodily Injury Prevention for Bikers

Bikers need to take steps to protect their bodies when on the road. Motorcyclists must protect themselves because they are more exposed than other drivers.

Keep these tips in mind to reduce the risk of severe injury as a biker:

  • Dress for the weather. Wear the right materials. Both hot and cold temperatures can hurt you, especially when you ride through them at high speeds.
  • Wear sturdy shoes or boots. These shoes should ensure that you can firmly grasp your pedals and mounts.
  • Wear protective gear like elbow, knee pads and gloves that will help you grip the handlebars.
  • Always wear a helmet, regardless of the law. Some states don’t require motorcycle riders to wear helmets. However, the benefits of a helmet far outweigh the risks of going without. Helmets reduce the risk of severe head injury and devastating trauma to their users.

Your safety should always come first when it comes to motorcycle use. It should be your priority to protect yourself when you venture out on your bike.

We can help you get the right motorcycle insurance for your needs.

Call Budget Insurance Agency at 478-788-9188 for more information or get a motorcycle quote on a personalized insurance policy right now in Atlanta, Georgia! Contact us at 855-218-6308 or request an online quote right now!

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