It is very important to keep your car insurance current. Keeping your car insurance current will keep you out of trouble and it help you in the long run. There are some steps you can take in order to maintain your premium.
You can pay your premiums annually- if you pay your premiums annually then you will not have to worry about paying your premium once a month.
You can set up an EFT payment- that is an electronic funds transfer. You can talk with your agent about setting up an EFT in order for the payment to be taken out your account automatically. You will not have to worry about paying the premium.
Certain insurance companies offer what they call a “grace period” within that certain period they give at least 10 days to pay the premium but its very important to pay it on time.
Cancelling Your Policy
If you intend to cancel your policy because the car does not work or you sold the car it is very important to go through certain steps in order to make sure everything is taken car of. If you began to stop the payments to your policy and not go through the proper steps then their will be consequences for example, your license can get suspended.
Be sure to call your agent as soon as possible to ask the proper steps you should take with cancelling your insurance. Usually when situations do occur and the policyholder has not notified the agent then the agent should report the situation to the Depart of Motor Vehicle.
Here When You Need Us
Budget Insurance Agency
Don’t hesitate to get an auto insurance quote on a personalized budget auto insurance policy in Albany, Georgia right now! Contact us at 855-218-6308 or request an online quote right now!