How is your rate determined?
Your rate is determined by two parts underwriting and rating. The reason insurer underwrite is to see the risk of the applicant. Each company has their own rating system in which there are guidelines that each company has to follow. If your claims are at a high amount the person will be charged more for insurance coverage.
Factors Affecting Your Rate
Driving record- drivers with previous violations are those who have accidents they are known to be at higher risk
Geographic area- urban areas are more known to have more claims than rural areas.
Gender and age- Males are more known to have accidents, and depending on the age group they are known to have more claims. Usually the ones that have the most claims are generation y or generation z.
Marital Status- People who are married are known to show low rates of claims. That is why insurers ask if you are married or singe when you call to get a quote.
Prior insurance coverage- if the company cancelled you for not paying your premiums.
Make and model of the vehicle- sports cars and luxury cars are known to average an extremely high number of claims.
Please be sure to ask your agent for discounts
Discounts are very important especially if you are trying to save money and rates are increasing. Here are the following discounts that are available to you: Sam’s discount, driver education, good student discount, homeowners discount. These are some discounts that are available to you so we can better assist you and make sure your covered. We care about the well being of you and your family.
More information about our company
Our website is the best place to go to know more about us. We try to update everything we can that you may have questions for. You can also check our Facebook page if you are a more social media oriented person. You can always call us during office hours as well so we can better assist you and give you feedback or if you would like to here our voice. We have several accommodations that’s available to you. Our goal is to give you the best service that you deserve.
Shop around before buying insurance
Make sure you look carefully before you commit to an insurance company. The problems that most customers have with certain insurance companies is the price of their insurance or they were not knowledgeable of certain fees. When you are receiving quotes fro an agent it is very important to ask all the questions possible. When you ask questions they are known to answer questions as honest as they can. As a customer it is very important to tell the truth when the agents are asking you certain questions for example about speeding tickets. If you have had a speeding ticket then it is important to let them know that ahead of time that way they can tell the price of your insurance.
Where to find great insurance companies?
We are a great insurance company that will help you and make sure you have any discount that is suitable for you. We are open and honest with everything and our goal is to satisfy you. It is important to do research on every insurance company before you purchase we do not want to purchase car insurance that will not satisfy you later on in life. Online is a great source to look to for more information. We have our website and Facebook that you can view to get more information. Opinion leaders are important as well, because they are the ones that keep our business open. We try to please almost every customer we have.
Please read your policy
Reading your policy is very important, because we want to make sure everything that you agreed on is true. Certain customers do not view their policy before they sign. Your insurance policy is a legal binding contract that cannot be changed. If you certain issues, questions or concerns before you sign then make sure you talk with your agent. We are here to help you in every way possible.
Here When You Need Us
Budget Insurance Agency
Don’t hesitate to get an auto insurance quote on a personalized budget auto insurance policy in Tampa, Florida right now! Contact us at 855-218-6308 or request an online quote right now!