The National Safety Council sponsors a program in the month of April for Distracted Driving Awareness. It is a program that aims to clue consumers in on just how frequently people drive distracted and what the risks of doing so are. “Distracted drivi ...
What is Scheduled Personal Property on Your Home Insurance Plan?
Most home insurance plans provide protection for your personal property, not just the value of your building. That means that you can get help if you’ve lost a valuable item or if something you own is damaged in a covered fire. But it is important to ...
What Happens if you Drive Uninsured?
Many people might think that car insurance is a waste of money because they are safe drivers, but even if they are always safe, other people might not be as cautious. Driving without car insurance can really affect you and the other party if an accid ...
Will Electronic Monitoring of Truck Drivers Minimize Risks?
The government and the trucking industry is looking at how better to streamline the industry. Specifically, there is a new push to use electronic monitoring, GPS systems and Internet connectivity within the industry. In some situations, this can be a ...
Are You Better Off in a Small Car?
There are many factors that contribute to why you purchase the vehicle you purchase. For some people, owning a minivan is safer for their families. However, with the cost of owning a car increasing over the years, many people are wondering whether ow ...
How Much Motorcycle Insurance Do You Really Need?
It's time to get your bike out of the garage and onto the road. Whether you ride all the time or just when the weather is good, one of the first steps to take before you get out there is to ensure your bike has enough of the right type of coverage on ...
Teen Driving
The leading cause of death for teens in the United States is motor vehicles. Over 140 teens die every year in fatal car crashes. Teens have the highest number of car crashes than any other age group. Some are from not wearing a seat belt and others a ...
4 Ways to Keep Driving Costs Low for Teens
If your teen is not yet driving, you have not yet experienced the sticker shock of adding a teenager to your auto insurance policy. But if you have had this jaw-dropping experience, then you are in the right place to find some ways to help ...
Why Tell Your Home Insurance Carrier if You Live in a Gated Community?
The more information you provide to your insurance carrier, the more accurate the quote you get will be for your property. Often, it is the little details that can help you to save money. When it comes to where you live, provide your home insurance p ...
Preparing Your Motorcycle for Storage
Many motorcyclists choose not to ride during the winter months. They conclude that the salt is not good for the motorcycle and riding in the snowy, cold conditions is not desirable. The key is to properly prepare your motorcycle for storage so it is ...