It is tax season and we know everyone is ready to spend a few bucks. Tax season is the perfect time to get some reliable car insurance. We know that when you receive your taxes your excited about buying a new car. We know that you do not want to spe ...
What to do in Gwinnett County, GA
Gwinnett County is one of the largest and most populated counties in Georgia. The county is named after Button Gwinnett, which was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Gwinnett County contains many fun activities for everyone whethe ...
6 Hallowe’en Safety Tips
With Hallowe'en coming up this year, there will be many trick-or-treaters, candy and costumes. But there is one thing that should be on your mind—safety. Here are few tips to keep in mind: Many people will be running in and out of the streets, so ...
What is Utility Line Disruption Coverage?
When purchasing business insurance, your goal should be to choose policies that offer coverage designed to minimize the risks your company faces or could face in the normal occurrence of day-to-day business. Keeping that in mind, think about your propert ...
Is Your Business at Risk for Employee Fraud?
Many companies today spend a great deal of time and money getting to know their staff. They conduct background screenings, handle ongoing compliance checks and even conduct drug screenings at random. However, employee fraud is still a risk for many c ...
Can Umbrella Insurance Protect My Business?
Umbrella insurance could be one of the best investments a business can make in today's lawsuit-prone world. Your company likely has liability insurance, a key tool in protecting against lawsuits from customers due to accidents or mistakes made by the ...
Home-Based Businesses and Insurance
Does working in pajamas from the comfort of your home’s living room sound appealing to you? You’re not alone! In fact, about three out of every ten homeowners operates a home-based business and enjoys the luxuries that you may be yearning for. Ready ...
A Complete Guide To State Facts About Auto Insurance In Georgia
It is the law in every state in the U.S. for drivers to carry auto insurance on the vehicle they are driving. The state of Georgia is very serious about enforcing these auto insurance laws. We all travel everywhere in our vehicle and with the right cover ...
5 tips that will save you car insurance premiums in Georgia
Owning a car is a convenience in Georgia because so much work, leisure and general family activity depends on road transport. With a population of about 9 million people, Georgia has about 8 million registered cars and an average about annual 28,000 driv ...