To purchase auto insurance, you will need to provide some basic information about yourself and your vehicle. This can include your name, address, driving record, vehicle make and model, and age. Depending on your location, you may also need to provid ...
Time for A Road Trip
It looks like it is time for that perfect road trip. A time to spend with family and friends and reminisce about the old times. Before you take your trip it is important to make sure everything is in tip top shape preferably your car. It is always im ...
The Difference Between an Old Car and A New Car
When you shop for a car you can be very excited. Shopping for a car gives you joy and it makes you feel accomplished. Some people may already know what car they would like. Some are willing to pay a little over the price because its new. The importan ...
Accident Claims
Car insurance companies investigate claims on a regular basis. Accidents are investigated a certain way depending on how bad the accident is, your company's policy, and whether the accident involved property, damage, or even injuries. After the ...
Weird Insurance Facts
You will be amazed about these crazy insurance facts that will blow your mind. 1. Did you know that Dolly Parton insured her famous 40 DD breasts in the 1970's for 600,000 dollars. 2. Tom Jones had his chest hair insured for seven million dolla ...
Does Auto Insurance Cover a Stolen Car?
Auto insurance may cover a stolen car, depending on the type of coverage you have. Comprehensive coverage typically includes theft and other types of losses as part of the policy. It's important to review your policy and speak with your insurance pro ...
Interesting Facts About Car Insurance
Did you know that car insurance rates are based on a variety of factors, including your driving record, the type of car you drive, and your age? Additionally, car insurance rates vary from state to state and from insurance company to insurance compan ...
Keeping Your House In Tip Top Shape
Improving your home is a never ending project that will cost you a lot of money. You can do some simple maintenance techniques that will be sure to help you when you do get in a bind. Keeping your house in tip-top shape is a great way to make su ...
Things to Know Before Renting A Car
Renting a car can be a great way to get from one place to another. Before you rent a car, there are a few important things to consider. 1. Additional Drivers - When you get your rental car you do not have to put all of your friends ...
Questions to Ask a Mechanic
My car is acting up what should i do? The first thing is do not be afraid to call the shop. The last thing you want to do is wait and then something else can tear up on your car. If you see a light on your car or have an unusual noise then it is ...