Things to do in Charleston, SC

The city of Charleston is the oldest and second most populated city in South Carolina. The city features many cobblestone roads along with horse-drawn carriages. Here are some of the popular attractions to visit in Charleston. The city is also ho ...

6 Hallowe’en Safety Tips

With Hallowe'en coming up this year, there will be many trick-or-treaters, candy and costumes. But there is one thing that should be on your mind—safety. Here are few tips to keep in mind: Many people will be running in and out of the streets, so ...

Want to Win One Million Dollars?

Of course you do. It's really pretty simple. Get a quote, we will call you (or you can call us at 855-218-6308) and you can be entered! You can ask your helpful agent when you speak to them. **Please note: Must be a GA resident. GA lottery ticket ...