Everythings Worth the Wait

Have you ever wondered why things do not come to you right a way? You may wonder why you are not graduating with others? You also may wonder why people are getting blessings and you are not. Everything comes with timing. In society now seems lik ...

The Underdog

Never let yourself be the underdog. Always continue to encourage yourself everyday no matter the circumstances or what people say. Continue to strive for more in life. Sometimes people listen to what other say and they let it control them. If your at ...

Women’s Day

The symbolic meaning of Women's DayToday is the day that we celebrate all the women. This brings awareness to women's accomplishments and obstacles. The first international women's day took place in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. ...

Guess Who Part Two?

These are the answers to the trivia questions. See if your answers are correct. If your answers are correct than your knowledge of history is amazing. If you have a few correct, but not many then that is okay. You still are knowledgeable of our great ...

Things to do in Dallas, TX

Dallas, Texas is the third most populated city in Texas. It is home to more than one million people. Dallas also offers many activities for you to do. Here are some activities to do in Dallas, Texas. Dallas Arts District is the U.S.'s largest urb ...

Things to do in Charleston, SC

The city of Charleston is the oldest and second most populated city in South Carolina. The city features many cobblestone roads along with horse-drawn carriages. Here are some of the popular attractions to visit in Charleston. The city is also ho ...

6 Hallowe’en Safety Tips

With Hallowe'en coming up this year, there will be many trick-or-treaters, candy and costumes. But there is one thing that should be on your mind—safety. Here are few tips to keep in mind: Many people will be running in and out of the streets, so ...

Want to Win One Million Dollars?

Of course you do. It's really pretty simple. Get a quote, we will call you (or you can call us at 855-218-6308) and you can be entered! You can ask your helpful agent when you speak to them. **Please note: Must be a GA resident. GA lottery ticket ...