A Complete Guide To State Facts About Auto Insurance In Georgia

It is the law in every state in the U.S. for drivers to carry auto insurance on the vehicle they are driving. The state of Georgia is very serious about enforcing these auto insurance laws. We all travel everywhere in our vehicle and with the right coverage, we can drive with peace of mind. There are many options to choose the right insurance coverage for yourself in Georgia, and at times it becomes extremely tricky to select the right one. Just before picking an auto insurance company, make sure to know and choose the proper auto insurance coverage plan that abides with the Georgia Department of Insurance and Motor Vehicle Safety.

It is very important to get the right advice on Automobile Insurance in Georgia according to the State law and select the right coverage for your vehicle. It will certainly be painful paying from our own pocket for any damages, in case you selected a vehicle insurance, which does not abide by insurance laws in Georgia.

Must know facts about Georgia Driving Laws and Auto Insurance

In case, you have recently moved to Georgia or bought your first car and planning to get car insurance, it will be useful to know the following Georgia laws regarding auto insurance. Reckless driving and failure to follow all or any of the following laws will exempt the auto insurance agency to pay the insurance holder for any mishap, or collision.

Georgia has 2 state auto agencies, The Department of Driver Services and The Georgia Motor Vehicle Division in The Department of Revenue. The former handles licenses and permits of the driver, and the latter handles vehicle registrations, certificates of title and license plates. All the car owners need must get their vehicles registered under the suitable state agency.

Those, who are new to Georgia State laws, must know that there is a new driving law that was recently added known as the Move-Over Law. This law requires that the driver move-over in a single lane on the highway, in case they see an emergency vehicle directing them to do so. In case, traffic is high, then the driver needs to stop, the very moment it goes below the permitted speed limit. Violation of Move-Over law can bring on a poor record and up to $500 penalty for the violating driver.

Georgia State auto insurance laws requires the driver to carry an auto insurance info card during the ride. Georgia State also applies a strict prohibition on using mobiles and texting while driving. Breech of this law can be taken as conviction resulting in a penalty of $150. Further, drivers under 18 are barred to use any wireless device when driving.

Special Teen Driving Laws in Georgia

A 15 year-old teenager can drive on an instructional permit after clearing a written examination. In such cases, a teenager cannot drive unless a licensed adult driver (minimum 21 years) accompanies the teen driver. A teenager (16-18 years) possessing an instructional permit for minimal 1 year and meeting the requirements of Joshua’s law has to pass a driving test and get an intermediate driver license Class D in GA. These drivers do not hold the right to drive on late hours of 12:00 midnight to 6:00 a.m. Moreover, teen drivers can drive only, if accompanied by a family member for first 6 months. Thereafter for next 6 months, only 1 non-family passenger under 21 can ride with the intermediate driver. At then end of 12 month, 3 non-family passengers under 21 can ride along the intermediate teen driver.

Basic and Minimal Coverage’s according to the Georgia Auto Insurance

According to the Georgia State laws, car insurance in Georgia should ideally provide coverage for distinct risks, and each of them should be priced separately. This ensures fair play to both, the insurance holder and the insurance agency.

  • Bodily injury liability: This covers the injuries that an insurance holder causes to someone else, who got injured with his/her vehicle. The coverage on this should be $50,000/accident and $25,000/person.
  • Property damage liability: This covers the damage to someone else’s property by the insurance holder. The coverage on this should be $25,000/person
  • Collision: This will cover the damage to own car of the insurance holder from a collision.
  • PIP or Personal Injury Protection: This covers the insurance holder’s car, driver and passengers for treatment of injuries. This cover also includes medical payment, lost wages and replacing services cost.
  • Comprehensive: This covers damages to the insurance holder’s car due to damages not due collision. This will provide coverage for unfortunate risks like fire, earthquake, missiles, explosion, flood, theft, civil commotion, riot etc.
  • Uninsured motorist coverage: This covers the treatment of injuries of the insurance holder in cases of collision with/by an uninsured driver. There is further coverage in this category. First, Uninsured Bodily Injury Motorist Coverage*: Coverage on this should be $25,000/person and $50,000/accident. Second, Uninsured Property Damage Motorist Coverage*: Coverage on this should be $25,000 with deductibles of $250, $500, or $1000. * At times, Uninsured motorist coverage can be rejected.

In Georgia, State law has set the limits for auto insurance as 25/50/25. The 1st and 2nd figures refer bodily injury liability, while the 3rd figure refers property damage liability.

Suggestion for savings on Georgia Auto Insurance

The Georgia State law is strict on Auto Insurance, but they also suggest several guidelines for the insurer to save on the auto insurance. There are thousands of Auto Insurance agencies offering policies, but they will not offer the same premiums to all of their customers. It will depend on certain factors that decide what you pay for your Vehicle Insurance.

  • Prior insurance history
  • Past driving records and claim settlement history
  • Credit scores for insurance
  • Make, model and expected annual mileage of the car
  • ZIP Code
  • Age, gender and marital status of the insurer

The State law in Georgia recommends a policy holder to choose their auto insurance policy wisely and report insurance frauds to the State.

  • The State recommends buying or leasing an automobile considering safety and worthiness to withstand collisions.
  • The State law also recommends all insurance holders to drive smart and follow driving laws to avoid any mishap.
  • Georgia law enforcement agencies constantly highlight and send a message to the citizens to fight and report auto insurance fraud.
  • It is worthy reassessing and negotiating on the premium from time to time until you find the perfect coverage.
  • The State also suggests an auto insurer to take all measures for securing their vehicle and prevent auto thefts.

The auto insurance law also recommends the car owners to use replacement parts supplied from the original manufacturer. This way the auto insurance agencies will not be able to reject the claim on the basis of duplicate or cheap parts.

Reports of the last few years of the Auto industry suggest that Georgia’s Private Passenger Auto Insurance rank 25th, amongst 50 other states. The Combined Average Premium, i.e. Average Liability Premium, Collision Premium, and Comprehensive Premium), in Georgia, rank 22nd nationally. Overall, car insurance in Georgia might seem typical, but compared to other States, it is extremely reasonable.

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