Increase your bottom line by offering your clients quality insurance coverage IN YOUR DEALERSHIP with NO additional overhead!

Opportunity redefined for you!

            That is what Budget Insurance Agency can offer YOU! Be your own agent for your existing clients with little additional work on your part and MAKE MORE MONEY!  Isn’t that what it is all about?


You have a client that wants to buy a vehicle but of course they have no insurance.  Since you aren’t an agent and you do not offer insurance you have to go through the hassle of making sure that client has insurance so you can make the sell of that vehicle.  Right now you now have 2 choices – let that potential customer go and get the insurance and HOPE they come back or try to get a hold of an agent. 

Remember the old way when you would call or page an agent who may eventually call you back?  Maybe you got a quote in 30 minutes?  Maybe you got a policy written in an hour?  By now maybe the customer has left and you have lost that sale?  How many other vehicles could you have sold in this time while waiting for the agent to finish the policy for you?  Maybe you get a referral fee? 

Wouldn’t you want to avoid all of this and actually MAKE MORE MONEY?  Now you can! 

Budget Insurance Agency now gives you a 3rd choice


By having a licensed agent right there in your dealership you can quote AND sell that important insurance coverage in minutes!  You will know the coverage is in force, be able to print the required documents for signatures and evidence, and best of all YOU GET PAID! 

Have we gotten your attention yet? Well let’s see if we can make that even better.

Do you have other accounts that you have to check insurance status on month after month?  Do you get paid for that?  Probably not.  Well why not make money on those accounts as well? 

You can rewrite the coverage for them within your office, or even do an “agency of record change” if they are insured with a company you may already be licensed to produce for, and GET PAID!


Below is a breakdown of actual quotes that were done for local dealers, just like yourself, in the last couple of months within our agency.  These quotes will show you how much money you and your dealership could have made on each of them (if they maintain the coverage for the full policy term). 

After you review these quotes note that the average commission was $33.93 per 6 month policy period.  If your dealership were to write just 6 policies a week and using this average commission the dealership would have an additional monthly income of $814.32.  That is just 6 a week! What if you doubled that?  What if you currently have 250 accounts and you were able to write your own insurance on just half of them?  I think you get the picture.   

Quote 1:   

36 year old single female – 2006 Pont G6

–          Clean driving record

–          250/250 comp/coll ded

–          25/50/25 BI/PD Liability (State requirements)

6 Month Quote with Safeway = $839.00                DP of $155 w/5 inst of $145.80 ea

                        YOUR COMMISSION:     $37.76 **

Quote 2:

55 year old single female – 2002 Saturn L200

–           Clean driving record

–          250/250 comp/coll ded

–          25/50/25 BI/PD Liability

–          25/50/25 UMBI/PD Liability

–          Loss of Use (LOU) & Rental Reimbursement (RR)

6 Month Quote with Mile Auto = $855.00              DP of $146 w/5 inst of $150.80 ea

YOUR COMMISSION:     $37.35 **

Quote 3:

71 year old single female/25 year old single male – 1995 Lexus ES300

–          Both clean driving record

–          250/250 comp/coll ded

–          25/50/25 BI/PD Liability

–          25/50/25 UMBI/PD Liability

6 Month Quote with Dairyland = $797.00               DP of $160 w/4 inst of $169.25

YOUR COMMISSION:     $35.87 **

Quote 4:            

50 year old single female – 2001 Dodge Caravan

–          1 speed

–          500/500 comp/coll ded

–          25/50/25 BI/PD Liability

–          25/50/25 UMBI/PD Liability

            6 month premium with Mile Auto = $735.00           DP of $125.00 w/5 inst of $131 ea

            YOUR COMMISSION:     $31.95**

Quote 5:

39 year old single female – 1996 Buick Skylark

–          Clean driving record

–          500/500 comp/coll ded

–          25/50/25 BI/PD Liability

            12 month premium with Assurance=$1452.00     DP of $120.95 w/11 inst of $129 ea

             YOUR COMMISSION:     $67.06**

Quote 6:

25 year old married male/27 year old married female

–          Clean driving record

–          500/500 comp/coll ded

–          25/50/25 BI/PD Liability

            6 month premium with Mile Auto=$673.00            DP of $107.00 w/5 inst of $113.20 ea

            YOUR COMMISSIONS:   $27.14

**Your commission if insured completes the policy term otherwise charge backs will apply.

                This plan is simple – YOU license an individual in your office as an agent to quote and bind the coverage and WE manage the business.  You then get paid commissions on every account YOU write, it doesn’t get any easier.


            We will work with you and help get an agent licensed in your dealership.  We will get the contracts with the companies, get you set up with an online web rater (all you need is internet access), and then give your agent the training they need.  We will also offer our support 24 hours a day to help that agent.  We in turn manage the business for you with our customer service department. 



For more information call our office toll free at 1-855-218-6308 or click here if you interested in becoming a partner.

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