If you get pulled over, it’s important to remain calm and respectful to the officer. 1. Pull over very slowly and turn your ignition off and make sure you keep your hand on the steering wheel. It is very important to do this because whe ...
What to Do When You Missed an Auto Insurance Payment?
Making on-time payments to your auto insurance company is critical. Usually, making your payment at one time to cover the entire coverage period is best. If that’s not possible, many insurers allow you to make monthly payments. However, missing ju ...
6 Main Distractions for Drivers
Most accidents occur because the driver was or became distracted. These are the main types of distractions that may occur while driving: Using a smartphone which could consist of texting, calling, or browsing social media sites. Eating or drin ...
Are You Focusing on the Road?
The National Safety Council sponsors a program in the month of April for Distracted Driving Awareness. It is a program that aims to clue consumers in on just how frequently people drive distracted and what the risks of doing so are. “Distracted drivi ...
Being Safe during the Holiday Season
With the winter holidays coming fast, you might still be trying to find all of right gifts to get your family and friends. This also means that there will be lots of traveling and traffic trying to get all of these gifts and to visit their famil ...
What Happens if you Drive Uninsured?
Many people might think that car insurance is a waste of money because they are safe drivers, but even if they are always safe, other people might not be as cautious. Driving without car insurance can really affect you and the other party if an accid ...
Are You Better Off in a Small Car?
There are many factors that contribute to why you purchase the vehicle you purchase. For some people, owning a minivan is safer for their families. However, with the cost of owning a car increasing over the years, many people are wondering whether ow ...
4 Ways to Keep Driving Costs Low for Teens
If your teen is not yet driving, you have not yet experienced the sticker shock of adding a teenager to your auto insurance policy. But if you have had this jaw-dropping experience, then you are in the right place to find some ways to help ...
My Teen is Buying a Car, But Who Should Own It?
Teen Driver and Friend The thrill of knowing your son or daughter is capable and licensed to drive can be rewarding, but when he or she gets a first car, you may be wondering about the financial side of things. After all, your teen driver is inexperie ...
Securing the Best Possible Discounts, Premiums and Auto Insurance this 2022
Auto insurance discounts await, and you might be eligible. A variety of factors influence deductibles, premiums and discounts, and knowing the ropes of car insurance creates efficient, low-cost policies. If you’ve never owned a policy before, or if you’r ...