Why Is My Rate Increasing?

Georgia rates have increased over twice this year. The rate has increased for over 20 percent of customers. Studies have shown that more than 200 dollars per vehicle had double for the past 4 years. We have a lot of customers call and complain, because they were seeing a lot of rate increases. We also had customers complain about the price of their renewals. There is word that the reason the rates increase so much is, because its to maintain companies financial strength. Another reason is ,because Georgia is known to have a lot of fatalities at 3 times the rate nationally. Its important for all drivers to drive the speed limit and be careful on the road. Make sure you look out for other drivers. We also have customers who want to cancel their policy, because of the rate increases. We tell them that rates increased everywhere. They also go searching for cheaper insurance from other companies but they find out that we are possibly the cheapest in the city.  They fail to realize when accidents occur in the state of Georgia this can affect everyone not just one person. Remember that we are not in control of the price of the insurance. We just help you find the company of your choice. We would love to hep you as much as we can. 

If you need a quote click here or call 478-788-9188 or click here.

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