6 Hallowe’en Safety Tips

With Hallowe’en coming up this year, there will be many trick-or-treaters, candy and costumes. But there is one thing that should be on your mind—safety. Here are few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Many people will be running in and out of the streets, so be cautious and aware of your surroundings.
  2. Make sure other people know what you are doing by using your turn signals ahead of time.
  3. Drive slower to avoid any accidents.
  4. Since it will be getting dark earlier, make sure to turn on your headlights and be certain all your lights work.
  5. Make sure you can hear what is going on around you by keeping your radio volume low.
  6. Lastly, make sure you do not drink and drive, and even if you don’t, be aware of other drivers that might be under the influence.

Keep yourself and your family safe this Hallowe’en. Call 478-788-9188 to get a Macon auto insurance quote.

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