3 Commonly Overlooked Driving Hazards

Most drivers are aware of the more common driving hazards like tailgating, speeding, aggressive driving and driving under the influence of alcohol. While all of these dangers are real, there are others that may have escaped your notice. The following overlooked driving hazards don’t get much press, but they can still cause accidents.


People often take medications to avoid the symptoms of colds and flu (during fall and winter) or of allergies (during spring and summer). However, be careful when using these while driving. Some medications can make you drowsy, while others affect attention, coordination, reaction time and even visual acuity. These symptoms add up to the “not quite with it” feeling that you may experience.

Make sure you read the labels, get your doctor’s advice and educate yourself about the side effects of your medications before getting behind the wheel. If your current medications affect driving, find a substitute that doesn’t have these effects, or avoid driving while using them.

Undiagnosed Eye Problems

Most states have online driver’s license renewal, which means that many years can pass without your vision being checked. However, vision changes as you age and many people have jobs that place them in front of computer monitors for hours. These people may drive home with tired eyes and an inability to focus. These conditions are especially hazardous when driving at night. The sharp contrast of headlights, dashboard gauges and the darkness of night worsens the effects of eyestrain. Driving is a visual task that shouldn’t be attempted with compromised eyesight. If you have problems, see an eye doctor and wear the eyeglasses or contacts that your doctor recommends.

Loose Objects in the Car

Loose objects are a danger during an accident. Seat belts and airbags make many violent collisions survivable. However, they won’t protect you from a 60 mph projectile from within the car. While these safety restraints bring your body to a stop, they won’t do the same for the tool kit in the backseat. Loose objects like bottles or cans on the floor next to your feet can also cause accidents by interfering with your foot’s interaction with the pedals.

Keep the above hazards in mind when you get into a car to drive. Accidents and injuries are often caused by the overlooked things, which means safe driving is an ongoing learning process.

Your safety is our priority. Call an agent for more information about Georgia’s liability requirements and how to get more broad coverage by adding collision, comprehensive, medical expenses, uninsured driver etc. to your auto insurance policy.

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