Teen Driving

The leading cause of death for teens in the United States is motor vehicles. Over 140 teens die every year in fatal car crashes. Teens have the highest number of car crashes than any other age group. Some are from not wearing a seat belt and others are from being inexperienced. In order to decrease the rate for fatal car accidents it is important to practice safe driving. Parents should enroll their children in a defensive driving course in order to make sure they are well aware of driving safe and knowledgeable of the  laws in Georgia. When they complete this course parents can get a discount on their insurance to show that their child is aware of safe driving. Parents can expect to save 15 percent annually just by enrolling their child in this course. This is one way to promote safe driving, but here are some other ways for teens to drive safe.

  • Make sure you buckle your seat belt. You should always buckle your seat-belt before you start the car that is the number 1 rule.
  • Stay within the speed limit. It is never okay to speed this can cause you your life or a ticket.
  • Be conscious of other drivers. Remember your not driving just for yourself, but your driving for others as well.
  • Stay a foot away from the car in front of you. This will give you time to brake if needed.

Our goal is to promote safe teen driving. Call 478-788-9188 to get an Atlanta auto insurance quote.

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