Monday, January 2, 2023Making on-time payments to your auto insurance company is critical. Usually, making your payment at one time to cover the entire coverage period is best. If that’s not possible, many insurers allow you to make monthly payments. However, missing just one of those payments can lead to the cancellation of your policy. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 12, 2022The government and the trucking industry is looking at how better to streamline the industry. Specifically, there is a new push to use electronic monitoring, GPS systems and Internet connectivity within the industry. In some situations, this can be a very good thing. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 5, 2022The leading cause of death for teens in the United States is motor vehicles. Over 140 teens die every year in fatal car crashes. Teens have the highest number of car crashes than any other age group. Some are from not wearing a seat belt and others are from being inexperienced. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 16, 2022Having motorcycle insurance is important when operating your bike. Although it’s required by law, you may want to opt for getting more than the basic minimum coverage. One of the things you must consider when establishing the coverage for your policy is whether or not you will have addition... READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 15, 2022If you are a homeowner who has a deck attached to your house, you’ve probably enjoyed many BBQs and relaxing afternoons on your deck. Now that you probably aren't using your deck as much, it’s a good time to make sure it is safe. First, take time to thoroughly clean your deck. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 9, 2022As a motorcyclist, you are required by law to have insurance. Your motorcycle insurance is going to protect both you and your motorcycle in the case of an accident, along with other drivers who share the road. A basic motorcycle insurance plan contains bodily injury, property damage, comprehensive and collision coverage. READ MORE >>
Monday, November 7, 2022Traffic tickets and violations happen, they’re a part of life. You should always be safe behind the wheel of a vehicle to ensure the health of yourself and fellow drivers. If a ticket does come your way, however, take it seriously. Ignoring traffic tickets can come back to hurt you in the long run like some of the following situations: READ MORE >>
Thursday, November 3, 2022Most drivers are aware of the more common driving hazards like tailgating, speeding, aggressive driving and driving under the influence of alcohol. While all of these dangers are real, there are others that may have escaped your notice. The following overlooked driving hazards don't get much press, but they can still cause accidents. READ MORE >>
Monday, October 31, 2022When thinking of how to properly maintain your car for safety, the common topics that come to mind are brakes and tires. While these are obviously important, headlights should not be overlooked. Headlights allow other cars to see you and allow you to see other vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, animals and anything else that may cause you danger. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 25, 2022The life of a trucker may not sound like a dangerous one to bystanders, but truckers face their share of hazards on a daily basis. We’ve all heard about how sitting for lengthy periods can have a negative impact on your body. READ MORE >>
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