Thursday, October 13, 2022 Owning a car is a convenience in Georgia because so much work, leisure and general family activity depends on road transport. With a population of about 10.7 million people as of 2020 Census, Georgia has about 8.8 million registered cars and an average about annual 1,556 driving fatalities. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, October 12, 2022When truckers hit the road, they pose risks not just to themselves. Their actions may harm the trucker's business, as well as other drivers. If a trucker does not drive safely or ethically, they might put many different people at risk. A common risk posed by drivers is the chance that they may drive under the influence of alcohol. READ MORE >>
Sunday, May 17, 2020Having a poor driving record doesn’t mean you’re a bad driver. Accidents happen, and the average person will have about four car accidents in their lifetime. Still, it’s important to be aware of the penalties drivers face for certain traffic violations. READ MORE >>
Monday, May 4, 2020If you’re an owner operator, you will have different insurance requirements than owners of large trucking companies. You will bear the brunt of any liability responsibilities as opposed to an employer when you’re an independent owner operator, which means it’s your responsibility to carry the right insurance to protect yourself and your truck. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 21, 2020Your home is a safe haven. It should be a place where you and your family can go to feel safe and relax. Unfortunately, dangers can threaten that sense of safety. Most burglaries and thefts occur either while the family is on vacation, at work or in the dark of night. READ MORE >>
Monday, April 6, 2020When you look up tips on saving money on home insurance, you're often confronted with big decision ideas. Buy a home that's cheaper to insure. Move to a safer neighborhood. Build a 12-foot-tall brick fence around your yard. These are great ideas if you're rich and have the freedom to switch houses at a moment's notice. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 3, 2020How To Handle Yourself After An Accident When you're in an accident, it can understandably shake you up. While there are some people who will remain calm and collected under even the most dire of circumstances, most of us are greatly affected by the impact. If you're injured, you may be preoccupied with the pain or discomfort. READ MORE >>
Monday, February 24, 2020Truckers and trucking companies face many dangers both in the warehouse and on the road. Weather, accidents and mechanical breakdowns are all very possible and very common. But what about when someone steals a work truck or items from it? A general trucking insurance policy covers: READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 12, 2020One of the worst fears is wondering whether your home will be broken into. There are about 2.5 million burglaries every year. Of those, 66% are home break-ins. Burglars take an average of $2,416 worth in belongings per burglary, but that’s nothing compared to the feeling of losing your safety. READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 30, 2020Auto insurance in general can be expensive depending on a variety of factors, some of which are out of the driver’s control. So why is auto insurance so expensive for truckers? In general, auto insurance prices are influenced by a multitude of different aspects. Factors based on the driver include: READ MORE >>
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